This enchanting bouquet of red roses, nestled among delicate greenery and soft baby’s breath, embodies the warmth of heartfelt emotions.
It’s purity and grace of theit’slowers reflect the enduring affection and commitment we carry for one another, reminding us that love remains steadfast, even in challenging times.
Type of flowers used in the bouquet:
Premium Imported Red Roses
Number of flowers in the bouquet:
27 or 50 Imported Red Roses
How to care for the flowers:
Refresh the water frequently by change the water completely every 2-3 days.
Trim at least half an inch from the stems before placing them in the vase, and each time you change the water.
Keep your flowers away from heat and direct sunlight.
Avoid placing the flowers next to ripe fruits or vegetables, especially bananas and apples.
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